What Kind Of Maintenance Does A Car Need

What Kind Of Maintenance Does A Car Need- Ultimate Checklist

Car maintenance frequently seems to be a hard puzzle, with various components requiring attention to maintain proper performance. Many drivers face difficulties in keeping track of all basic maintenance activities, from checking oil levels to inspecting the brakes.

To solve this issue Al Zaabi AutoCare makes this process easier by providing a complete maintenance checklist suited to the vehicle’s requirements. Our expert technicians also conduct regular inspections and perform all key maintenance jobs, keeping your vehicle in top condition and preventing minor issues from growing into major repairs.

Importance Of Car Maintenance?

  1. Increases Safety

    Following routine car maintenance services helps improve your safety on the road. It will keep parts from breaking and larger problems from developing. 

  2. Keeps Car Performing at it’s Best

    In addition to greater safety, your car will function better than it would if you ignored maintenance. Imagine having improved tyre traction, more steady steering, and more consistent engine starts.

    All of that is possible if you simply book your routine maintenance visit. Don’t have time? Do not worry about it!
    Al Zaabi AutoCare is the most helpful time-saving solution available.

  3. Saves You Money

    When you want to maintain your car regularly, you may avoid expensive issues. Would want to rather pay a little now to keep the car in good condition, or pay a lot more later because you skipped an important service? 

  4. Lowers The Cost of Fuel

    When you take proper care of your vehicle, it will not waste any fuel. However, when you skip one of the essential services, your gas mileage may decrease significantly. This means you’ll have to refill your gas tank more frequently, wasting both time and money. 

  5. Saves You Time

    If you do not know how to deal with a major car repair issue, you may be not able to drive your vehicle again for a long time. Not only this is inconvenient, but it also wastes time. In this era, time is an extremely valuable resource. 

  6. Keeps Car Value High

    When you want to sell your car soon or later, you should keep up with your maintenance schedule. These services improve your driving experience, but they will also help to maintain the value of your car. 
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Car Maintenance Checklist

Your car is an expensive investment, and keeping on schedule with its maintenance routine is important. Considering how much time you spend in your car! whether for shopping or commuting work—it is critical to maintain it properly. Taking good care of your car guarantees that it will continue to be there for you effectively.

More Frequent Check-ups 

Every 5000 to 10000 miles certain maintenance should be done,

However, these things should need attention if they appear, preventing serious damage,

  • Check-engine lights
  • Broken headlights
  • Low tyre pressure

Less Frequent Check-ups 

Other car maintenance may be examined less often included, 

  • Vehicle battery
  • Chassis, steering, and suspension system lubrication
  • Transmission fluid
  • Fuel filter
  • Spark plugs, plug wires, etc.
  • Exhaust system

1. Check Tyre Roration and Pressure

The tyre rotation is essential for the maintenance and longevity of tyre, and it is normally suggested every 5,000-8,000 miles. 

Many individuals underestimate the importance of tyre rotation. By rotating the tyres, you ensure that wear is dispersed evenly over time. Tyres that are not rotated regularly may wear unevenly and disintegrate considerably sooner than planned.

Furthermore, tyre rotation helps to avoid imbalance caused by holes, rough roads, and regular wear and tear. Part of the rotation process includes testing and adjusting tyre pressure based on new positions. Proper inflation is essential for safe driving, handling, fuel efficiency, and even tyre wear.

2. Check Car Oil

Frequently monitoring and replacing the car engine oil is essential for engine health and performance. It is essential to inspect the oil level once a month and adhere to the oil change intervals, which are typically determined by time or mileage.

The oil will be changed by yourself or have it done at a service center. If you decide to do it yourself, you’ll need to know how to drain the old oil, add new oil, and properly dispose of the used oil.

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3. Check Other Fluids

Having the right levels of several important fluids is essential for keeping your vehicle running properly. You should regularly check the following five important fluids,

  1. Coolant
  2. Steering Fluid
  3. Brake Fluid
  4. Transmission Fluid
  5. Windshield Washer Fluid

A leak in any of these fluids can affect the performance and handling of the vehicle. If you observe a leak, you can identify the fluid by its color, which will help to find the cause of the leak and speed up repairs.

4. Headlights And Taillights Test

Checking both lights is important for safety. A burnt-out bulb can reduce the visibility and signal to other vehicles, and cause safety problems or traffic fines. If a bulb fails, you must establish whether it is merely a bulb replacement or if a fuse is also present. If you’re comfortable, you can do these checks and replacements yourself.

5. Check And Replace Windshield Wipers

This will maintain visibility in bad weather. If the wipers are not working properly, you should replace them right away. If the Wiper blades are worn or broken can decrease the visibility in heavy rain or snow. It’s best to inspect your wipers regularly and replace them every six months, or sooner if you discover cracks, tears, or excessive wear.

6. Check The Engine Air Filter

Air filters keep the dirt out of the car engine, which helps maintain engine performance. A clogged filter decreases airflow and engine functionality. Generally recommended to replace the engine air filter every 15,000 to 30,000 miles. If you replacing it yourself, ensure the work area is clean to prevent dirt from entering the engine. A simple light test can help determine if the filter needs replacement, if light passes through less than half of the filter, it’s time for a new filter.

7. Check The Cabin Air Filter

This helps to keep dust, pollen, and other pollutants out of the vehicle. As time passes, it may get clogged and less effective. Check the cabin air filter every 15,000 to 30,000 miles, or earlier if you observe strange noises, restricted airflow, or a musty odor.

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8. Battery Test

Starting a car depends upon a well-maintained battery. While car batteries normally last about six years, it is important to check them regularly. Using a multimeter, you can determine whether the battery is in good condition, with a reading of 12.5 volts or greater. If you don’t own a multimeter, many auto parts stores and mechanics provide free battery testing.

9. Brakes Inspection

Regular inspection is necessary for safe driving. If you notice strange noises or vibrations during braking, it could signal a problem with the brake system. Have a competent mechanic test the undercarriage, braking fluid, brake pads, rotors, and calipers. Brakes must perform properly to provide safe and effective stopping power.

10. Check Belts and Hoses

They are important for many engine tasks, including power steering pump, powering the alternator, and air conditioning. A damaged serpentine belt or hose can cause major engine issues. Check them at each oil change to verify they are in good condition and replace them as necessary.

11. Wash Your Car

This will protect the car outside from damage caused by substances such as road salt, tree sap, and bird droppings. These can harm the paint and undercarriage over time, causing more serious problems. If you reside in a snowy or salty environment, try pre-treating your car’s underside and use a road salt-removing wash. Keeping your car clean not only preserves its beauty but also maintains its long-term value.


How often should I check my car’s oil?

At Least once a month and before long trips you should check the car oil level. 

How can I tell if my car’s battery needs replacing?

The difficulty starting the engine, dim headlights, or a battery warning light on your dashboard can tell that your car battery needs replacement. 

Why is it important to rotate my car’s tyres?

Tyre rotation is important because it ensures even wear on all tyres, which extends their lifespan and improves handling. It’s typically recommended to rotate your tyres every 5,000 to 8,000 miles.